Thursday, March 10, 2011

Helena from Seatoun at the Newtown Festival!

She did
so bloody well last time that we invited Helena, our guest writer from Seatoun, back for another posting. Sounds like she had heaps of fun at the Newtown Festival the other week!

Dear diary,

This Sunday, I jumped on my push-bike from Seatoun and went to the Newtown Festival. It was held during a howling Wellington southerly. People complain about Wellington's wind but I think it's really great because it blows all the pollution away, which makes it eco-friendly and therefore cool!

My first stop was to see an American Indian pan flute band play (whoops, I should probably say Native American, right?). They were so authentic, with real mohawks. The atmospheric samples playing from their iPods that added backing to their panflutes made for a real authentic ambiance too. They were even selling CDs, which is great because it's always good to see poor people be industrious.

The next band up was a true Wellington favourite, the Dub-Step Brothers. Their chilled kiwi tunes are so great it would be wrong for a kiwi to not like them. After all, is there any country in the world more synonymous with reggae-style music than New Zealand?

All those carefully placed dance moves made me hungry, so I went in search of food. I had to be careful because, of course, I only eat ethically. This means I eat no food that has been slaughtered in a cruel fashion. It can be difficult to know what food to trust, but I figure if I stick with Asian food I should be okay because they're so peaceful and in touch with nature that they'd never hurt animals.

The Festival also gave me a great opportunity to add to my cool clothing collection. Once again, I was only interested in ethical items, none of this stuff made by enslaved children in Cambodia and Pakistan. Luckily I found a Cosmic Comer stand, because given everything they stand for, there isn't a chance their cheap novelty t-shirts are the handiwork of slave labour, is there?

Till next time!

Helena from Seatoun

Next up...Helena's Monday morning at her large social service-oriented govt dept reveals that, contrary to her self-belief, she's just as scheming and conniving as all the other office-place scumbags.


  1. This made me laugh on a shit day. Thanks.

  2. Glad to hear from Helena again. She offers this humble Canadian great insight into the mind of a Wellington-ian, for certain.
