Thursday, October 27, 2011

People who think they're all whack and shit for doing thoroughly normal things that heaps of other people do.

You fall into this category if you think you're totally-off-the-wall-Charlie-Sheen-earlier-in-2011-bat-shit-crazy for...
  • wearing a costume at a costume party, an event in which everyone else wears a costume.
  • playing the ukulele, an instrument whose rise in popularity is so meteoric that every shithead in New Zealand has one and thinks they're in Fly My Pretties.
  • smoking flavoured tobacco through some unusual contraption.
  • getting sunburned.
  • being white and walking through a brown neighbourhood.
  • riding the Trans-Siberian.
  • watching back-to-back TED talks for 7 hours.
  • dancing for a long time at a bar.
  • going anywhere in Africa.
  • exchanging a message with a celebrity on Twitter. When Ross Taylor says, “cheers” after you send him a “happy birthday” tweet you’re still not his best mate.
  • this just in...growing a beard during Movember! Wear one all the time you sissy!

Any other suggestions?

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