Wednesday, January 19, 2011

People getting antsy in security lines of any sort

Dude, everything is locked down these days, including OMG PLANES! Something happened in New York and for TEN YEARS NOW you go through the detector without your shoes, earrings, necklace, coins, belt, other necklace, other jewellery, and those other coins you keep in that other pocket. Yeah those ones.

Don't get angry at how slow the line is, these people are doing their jobs, and they don't set the policy, politicians do. And especially don't complain about the speed of the line and then be one of those twits who forgets the drill! It's OK to be that idiot (it happens to all of us), but it's not OK to be a shit about how everyone else is holding you up when you've got no f-ing clue.

1 comment:

  1. I hate it when the guy in front of me is next to go through and he has yet to remove his belt, wallet, computer from his carry on. They ask him to come through and he's like 'oh?" and starts frantically going through his pockets, etc while I wait patiently with computer,belt, wallet in hand ready to waltz through.
