Monday, July 18, 2011

Pākehā Ringing Talk-Back to Complain About Immigration

Sorry, I shouldn't complain. I forget that Pākehā are the indigenous people of New Zealand. Wait, hang on. Aren't Māori are the indigenous people of New Zealand? I think they might be. Ha, I'm always getting those two confused!

It is a little ironic for Pākehā to turn around and protest against immigration of other cultures. New Zealand is a hell-of-a nice place to live. I do not blame people for wanting to live here. Their quality of life is improved in ways we could only imagine. In turn, immigrants are an asset to our culture and provide diversity which should be embraced. Have you tried souvlaki? Brilliant! Many claim that immigrants threaten our culture and way-of-life. Last time I checked, pioneering Pākehā systematically did most things in their capability to destroy Māori culture, Māori economic infrastructure and in many cases, Māori lives. Immigrants have made no such effort to destroy the current New Zealand culture (whatever that may be). Please, just chillax towards immigration. If you embrace the benefits of diversity we will be all the better for it.

Talk-back radio allows any old shit-for-brains to express an opinion in a public forum. It's annoying enough hearing from Michael bloody Lhaws but why can't we censor those who call in without a shred of logic? This is particularly true for subjects like immigration that grind the gears of the prejudiced.

One time I heard a woman ring talkback radio claiming that we (New Zealand) needed to stop letting immigrants into the country because they have taken over the food distribution industry. We need to eat, the caller argued, so this is a smart move on the part of the migrants who will eventually hold us to ransom and drive us out of our own country through restricting our access to the food supply.

Yip, there's a migrant alliance. The 200-odd countries that aren't New Zealand are coming for us. Wow. I for one feel threatened by my local dairy owner. Really, really threatened. That guy who withstands drunken bullshit while pushing the hotdog cart through town at 3 in the morning? Well, he's a threat. The owner of the local fish and chip shop? Holy crap, I never noticed how he was ruining my life. Shit, maybe the crazy talkback bitch has a point?!

Or, maybe, I'm just being really fucking sarcastic! Fuck off talkback radio! Oh, I almost forgot. Fuck off to your cousin who also gives morons a forum for their ideas: letters to the editor. Sigh.

Sometimes you ask the masses and get a fair and useful answer (democratic elections, anybody?) but sometimes you just get back an unfiltered crock of shit.

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