Monday, April 11, 2011

One Liners

Sometimes at UUJM we come up with things that are so shit we just don't have that much to say about them. This week we're cleaning out the one liner drawer and here's what we found....

People who put photos on Facebook without rotating them correctly
-If I can work out how to do it, you munters can too!

Adults who grab each card as soon as it's dealt when involved in card games
-What are you, twelve?

Asian bread
-It's not a dessert. Why is there sugar in there? Where are the grains? What is this shit?!?!?!

Kings of Leon
-Snore. Snore. Snore. Look at the fans of your fourth album. How do you live with yourselves?

Mispronunciation of pronunciation.
-I appreciate irony but this is just annoying. Say it with me: pro-NUN-see-ay-shun. Not: pro-NOUN-see-ay-shun. Idiots.

Digital correspondence with too many exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!!
-OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! We've met you in real life!!!!!!!!!!!! And!!!!!!!!!!! We know you're not that interesting!!!!!!!!!!!! You're not fooling anyone!!!!!!!!!!!

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