Sunday, February 20, 2011

New Zealand's "Blame the Teachers" Mentality

Parents need to take responsibility! If your kid is fat, it's probably because the parents are feeding them all sorts of shit and watching them play computer games, interspersed with TV. No, a Nintendo Wii is not exercise! Our busy teachers do not need to find another hour in every jam packed school day to teach extra PE. Parents need to take responsibility! In 2008, a study came out showing New Zealand primary school children were lagging behind OECD countries in science. What was barely mentioned is that after being at high school for a couple of years, New Zealand children have caught right back up. What was frequently mentioned is that more science needs to be taught in primary schools. Teachers work around the clock to teach your kids, maintain their skills and learn the new assessment programs that governments force down their throats every five minutes. They are abused in the classroom by kids with "defiance syndrome". They deal with pressures from school administration, parents and students. For the most part, they do an excellent job. So get off their case and discipline your bloody kids into having healthy bodies and healthy minds!

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