Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Diary of Helena from Seatoun, part III

Every day, I do great things for our country.

I'm a middle-manager at a large government department focused on social issues. Our purpose statement is 'Making Society's Choices So They Don't Have To.'

I don't understand people that work for banks and other profit-driven organisations. They're only motivated by vanity and self-interest. I could never admit to working for the private sector - not only because I'd get funny looks when I talked to people at Happy Bar.

Unlike in the private sector, I treat my staff with respect. I regularly tell them they work with with me, not for me. (It's not true but it makes them feel better.) I'm a consensus leader but also not afraid to protect the interest of my group - like the time I labelled our former analyst a sexist because he suggested we couldn't accrue our budget to the next financial year without the approval of the Procurement team. He was gone by week's end and we kept our budget, which kept many of our great social services funded - not to mention my salary!

I reassure my colleagues that I'm human like them and that they're free to challenge my decisions. But equally, it's part of my moral duty to smoke out the independent thought and ambition in my group. This is how we ensure there will be future generations of social service employees because if we didn't then we might lose staff to the private sector. So as you can see, I do great things for our country every day.

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